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High Holy Days 5785
High Holy Day Information
Registration & Tickets
High Holy Days 2024/5785 Schedule
High Holy Day Letter
Childcare & Youth Programming
Shabbat Shuva
Yizkor Book
First Name
Last Name
Additional Donation Name (Optional)
Phone Number
How Are These Fund to Be Applied?
Please Choose One
Library Beautification Project
All For One
CBI Cares
CBI Gift Card order
Chanen Preschool/Camp Simcha
Live Streaming
Mishpacha Project-Fertility Grant
Religious School Tzedakah Fund
Other: Donation to a CBI fund / honor / memorial / tribute.
Select Donation Amount?
Please Select One
$5,400: Assists in membership relief and camp scholarships making it possible for our campers to strengthen their Jewish identities through engagement at Camp Daisy & Harry Stein or our other camp programs
$3,600: Assists in membership relief and virtual programming and Services furthering our connection each other
$1,800: Assists in membership relief and Haberkorn Religious School scholarships enabling participation toward becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in our historic congregation
$900: Assists in membership relief and preschool scholarships making it possible for young families to participate in early childhood education
$540: Assists in membership relief and senior programming to connect and engage our senior community
$360: Assists in membership relief and the growth of CBI Cares (part of the Hilton Family Welcome Home Project), supporting the needs of our members and the broader community
$180: Assists in membership relief and enables interfaith programming within the Phoenix community
$36: Assists in membership relief and programming to engage our young adults
$18: Assists in membership relief and providing creative arts for the Austin Art Studio in our Chanen Preschool sparking the creativity of our youngest minds
Other: A gift of any size will make a significant difference to our CBI community
*Programs noted at each level are examples of what donation amounts can cover
What is the Purpose of your Donation?
For example, "In memory of/honor of ..."
Designate a Fund for Your Donation:
Please Select One
Wherever Need is Greatest
Adult Education Fund
Amdur Volunteer Fund
Bandler Art Room Fund
Build-A-Jewish Library Fund
Camp Stein Capital Fund
Camp Stein Scholarship Fund
Camp Fundraising
Carol & Kenneth Seidberg Summer in Israel Scholarship Fund
Linda & Steve Bandler Camp Scholarship Fund
Carol & Dan Reynolds Camp Scholarship Fund
Al & Fran Sachs Camp Scholarship Fund
Camp Chanen Fund
CBI Cares Fund
CBI Staff Development Fund
Cemetery Fund
Chanen Preschool Fund
Chanen Preschool Teacher's Fund
Davidson Children's Library Fund
Diana & Ron Leeds & Family Children's Scholarship Fund
Evanne Copland Kofman Biblical Garden Fund
Feffer Library Fund
Frazin Family Fund
Kol Isha Fund
Magda & Ernest Willinger Year in Israel Scholarship Fund
Maya Schulder Youth Scholarship Fund
Memorial Fund
Mensch Night Out Fund
Merkaz Yisrael (Israel Center)
Mitzvah Project Fund
Music Fund
Prayer Book Fund
Plotkin Judaica Museum Fund
Rabbi Kahn’s Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Mason Barkin's Discretionary Fund
Religious School Fund
Religious School Scholarship Fund
Religious School Tzedakah Fund
Stein Mikveh Fund
Stephen Haberkorn BIG TRIP Israel Scholarship Fund
Torah Commentary Fund
Welcome Home Project Fund
Youth Programming
Other Fund
Some of the Special Funds are listed here. You may also enter your own (other). Refer to the Bulletin for a complete listing.
Enter a Fund Name Here:
Don't see your Fund in the list, above? Enter it here.
Enter Payment Amount:
Total Amount
Sun, October 13 2024 11 Tishrei 5785