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High Holy Day Letter 5785

Dear Families, Friends & Guests: 

As we enter the coming year, 5785 - our 124th High Holy Day (“HHD”) season at Congregation Beth Israel (“CBI”) - we are excited to return home to our own Kehilah Kodesh (“Holy Congregation”). Together, we will create a sacred space, with uplifting worship and meaning-filled moments of transcendence in the familiarity and warmth of our CBI Sanctuary.  

To accommodate our large congregation, along with the multiple generations of our members, we will provide two unique worship experiences for you to choose during the morning of Rosh HaShanah, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur morning (there will be only one Service for Erev Rosh HaShanah and Second Day Rosh HaShanah).* 

Please read the descriptions provided here to better understand the two worship options, “Traditional,” and “Yachad,” for this year’s Services. We hope these summaries will help you make an informed decision when selecting your ticket requests. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either Rabbi Kahn or Rabbi Mason-Barkin.  

Traditional Service: Offered on Rosh HaShanah Morning, Kol Nidre & Yom Kippur Morning. Led By: Rabbi Stephen Kahn, Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin & Soloist Robert Erlichman along with teen vocalists. CBI’s Traditional Service will provide members with a CBI High Holy Day experience in the way we’ve “always done it.” Our rabbis and soloist, Robert Erlichman, will be joined by CBI’s Music Director Jackie Huber, our volunteer and professional choirs along with our gifted teen vocalists in providing a worship experience which is familiar, uplifting and meaningful. We will use our Machzor (“HHD Prayerbook”) Mishkan haNefesh and select the liturgical melodies and readings in the style and tempo you have grown accustomed to in past years. 

Yachad Service:  Offered on Rosh HaShanah Morning, Kol Nidre & Yom Kippur Morning Led By: Rabbi Stephen Kahn, Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin & Soloist Robert Erlichman along with our Junior Choir and teen vocalists. CBI’s Yachad (“Together”) Service provides a prayer space for individuals of all ages and stages of life; our intergenerational families and members who love worshiping together, among fellow members of the community who are ages 5 to 105. Yachad will include moments that are solemn and moments where you want to sing loud, clap or even dance. The Service will be led by our rabbis and vocalist Robert Erlichman, CBI’s Music Director Jackie Huber along with both teen vocalists and members of our youth choir. We will use our Machzor (“HHD Prayerbook”) Mishkan haNefesh, experiencing a blend of traditional texts and times for reflection, while incorporating musical styles that are both traditional and contemporary.  

*PLEASE NOTE: As in the past, CBI’s Erev Rosh HaShanah, Second Day Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur Afternoon Services (including Yizkor and Ne’ilah) will primarily follow the style of our Traditional Service. 

We are looking forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you back at CBI. Check out the 2024/5785 High Holy Day Schedule and submit your tributes for this year’s Yizkor Memorial Book. All ticketing and registration this year will be done through ShulCloud. 

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785